Healthy Forest Mitigation Services

Homepage Forest Thinning Classes Clean-ups and Property Management Wood Sales Firewood The Family and Crew Contact

Who We Are


We are Healthy Forest Mitigation Services, your local family owned and operated Forest Mitigation company.

We offer many different services to help you protect your home from wildfires, wind events and more. We believe you should feel safe walking through your forest while you enjoy the beautiful property you own. We are here to educate home owners on the hazards of living in an urban interface environment, how to take care of your home by way of preventative care outside the home, and just what makes a happy and healthy forest.

We are local wildland fire fighters with over 30 years of experience,  we are foresters with the knowledge of tree species and the ideal living conditions they need, and we are well versed and informed on the various programs that offer funding for defensible space work to home owners whom own mountain property.

We believe that every property big or small is a crucial part to the safety of us all against the spread of a wildfire or the many devistating tree diseases. 

Services We Offer

Tree work:

  • Defensible space thinning
  • Forest thinning
  • Technical tree felling

Other Services:

  • Winter Property Management Program
  • Propane tank rocking
  • Spring/ fall cleaning (small fuels removal around homes)
  • Needle blow out around structures
  • Weed whacking
  • FIREWOOD SALES (by the cord) 
  • Fence/ corral pole sales (bulk) 
  • Wildland NWCG classes 
  • Chipping
  • Wood extraction 
  • Slash hauling 

Serving across Colorado and the Front Range since 2002!


Don’t hesitate to call and get those questions answered! We will come out and talk with you in person and see what you would like to do! 

Contact Us Today!